Jungles March 27April 20 | Ry Welcome to your Jungles quiz.Astound your family, Amaze your friends, Explore the world and the depths of your knowledge. READY BEGIN! Name Approximately how many species live in the jungles of the world 50 million 1 million Greater than 50 million 10 million None What percent of the planet (approximately) is jungle/rainforest 2 5 7 12 None Which of the planet's jungles is believed to be the youngest? Borneo Amazon Congo Valdivian Costa Rica None Which is the largest jungle in this group? Amazon Valdivian Borneo Costa Rica Congo None How many species go extinct each DAY in jungles? 5 50 More than 100 100 None New Guinea is home to what percent of unique endemic species? 25% 50% 75% 5% None Guinea is the 2nd largest island and largest island jungle True False None Borneo is the worlds oldest jungle, how old is it? 10 million years 50 million years 130 million years 100 million years None The Velvet worm is an old species, that dates back to the age of the dinosaurs. False True None Borneo is one home of the pitcher plant. How many species exist here? 39 29 12 21 None What percent of the Borneo jungle has been lost? 65% 50% 35% 17% None The Amazon is the largest rainforest/jungle in the world. It makes up about half of all the worlds jungles. False True None The Amazon rainforest has more species of frogs than anywhere else in the world. False True None How about how many species of frogs live in the Amazon rainforest 500 1500 800 1000 None There are a lot of insects in the Amazon, about how many species live there. 20000 200000000000 200000 2000000 None Leaf cutter ant colonies can grow into the MILLIONS! False True None Orangutan used to live all over south east asia but now are only found on two islands what are they? HintOrangoutang that live in Sumatra are under threat, about 100 die a day due to human activity? False True None Orangoutang that live in Sumatra are under threat, about 100 die a day due to human activity? True False None Orangoutang that live in Sumatra are under threat, about 100 die a day due to human activity? True False None Sumatra is a jungle under pressure of development. About how much of the jungle has been removed for human use? 75% 50% 25% None What does the word ENDEMIC mean? A computer program to measure species A virus that has spread worldwide A tool used to destroy forests Plant or animal species living only in a certain limited area. None An Invertebrate is a species without a backbone. Select all the Invertebrates, each correct answer is worth 5 points. Gorilla Butterfly Ants Jaguar Hawk Jellyfish Crab Spider Sea Star Coral Shark Elephant Beetle Octopus Are humans primates? Yes No None Jungles and rainforests are HOT, HUMID, and get lots of RAIN. False True None What is an Epiphyte. (Ep - i - phyte) a plant that grows on another plant but is not parasitic a small lake made of rain Giant spider found only in the jungle Cat similar to jaguar None Rainforests & Jungles are being destroyed in order to grow what? Peanuts Cotton Soy Palm Maple Syrup Sugar What are the main aspects that make rain forest different to a cloud forest. Select all correct. Humidity Animals Rain Trees Jaguar jaws are so powerful they are able to crush skuls? False True None Baby Jaguars are born blind and remain so for how many weeks? 4 3 1 2 None Which has tails: Monkeys or Apes? Apes Monkeys None Is a Gorrilla a Monkey? Yes No None Which of these are APES? Select all that are correct. Orangutan Chimpanzee Bonobo Gorilla Human The world's largest Monkey has a blue butt. What is it called? Baboon Tamarin Spider Monkey Rhesus Macaque Marmoset Mandrill None Most frogs have teeth False True None Golden Poison Frogs have enough venom to kill 5 humans True False None Goliath Frogs are the largest in the world, unlike other species they don't croak. What sound do they make. Whistle None Bark Howl None Tree frogs live in trees? True False None Time's upRelated